Saturday, September 28, 2019

Industrialization Process in America and Work of Woman Essay

Industrialization Process in America and Work of Woman - Essay Example o now the woman i left with even le help. o although electric appliance may make houehold job eaier, they are till no le time conuming becaue whatever help a woman had before appliance ha been eliminated.1 econdly, he dicue the functionalit interpretation of the recent hitory of the family. It ay that the beginning of indutrialization caued houehold to become deprived of their eential productive role in the economy (for example, people make clothe in a factory now intead of making them at home to ell later), hence women became deprived of their eential productive function (making dree). One olution for women to gain back a ene of their function in ociety would be for them to eek a new function in the workplace outide of home. Contrary belief, however, feel that a woman hould now intead devote her time to raiing her children and to tenion management (what a lame word, which in eence mean taking care of houehold chore o that the huband and children do not have to uffer the tree of doing it themelve). o intead of redefining a woman' function in ociety to outide of the home, technology ha only moved it to another facet inide of the home. A econd olution would be to create a new ideology i n which women' function are not confined to the home. In thi ituation, a woman would not have to go through thi "role anxiety". Thi, of coure, i a better olution. Cowan goe on to ay that indutrialization wa a participant in the "backward earch for femininity". Becaue ome of women' role in the houehold were being replaced by technology, women were earching for new way of being a woman (which till meant "finding themelve" within the home). Becaue a woman' function wa now directed toward raiing children, couple began having more children, hence the baby boom. Women alo began to return to the "fruitful" and "productive" way of before indutrialization. They began knitting, crocheting, baking and growing vegetable garden.2 ome theorie ugget that appliance are what caued women to go to the workforce outide of the home. They now had free time on their hand ince their job were made eaier. For example, the wahing machine clean clothe much fater than a wahtub did. Cowan diagree with thee theorie, however. A tated earlier, time wa not alway reduced by houehold appliance. Alo, houewive began to enter the labor market outide of the home before modern houehold technologie were widely ued. Thirdly, he claim that houewive who were entering the workforce outide of the home were the one who did not have and could not afford thee amenitie. o technology i not a caue of women entering the workforce outide of home but rather it i a catalyt. It did not free them into the workforce outide of the home but rather allowed them to work and till maintain a decent home. Women, for whatever reaon, wanted or needed employment and aw that amenitie could allow them to work outide of the home without endangering the living tandard of their family. Wive could come home from work tired, and till prepare a decent dinner (thank to frozen dinner) and do a load of laundry o that their children and huband would have clean clothe to wear the next day. Cowan tate that technological ytem which dominate our houehold, and which houehold are built around (thing like water, ga, ewer), were built with the aumption that omebody would be around to

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